8 New LCS Screenshots

By Adriaan | 21st Sep 2005 at 12:18 GMT in Liberty City Stories | 3 Comments

Rockstar have sent us the 8 new screenshots recently shown in an IGN preview of Liberty City Stories, these are all crystal clear unwatermarked screenshots which we've added to our screenshots page

McAffrey_Toni.jpg ToniBack.jpg

View the rest on our LCS screenshots page.

Dave1's photo
Dave1 21st September, 2005 @ 22:00 - Permalink

They look great.. but ..who the hell do you think this is??

he looks like big smoke in a way :P


Chris's photo
Chris 21st September, 2005 @ 23:29 - Permalink

JD O' Toole

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 22nd September, 2005 @ 05:31 - Permalink
JD O' Toole

So the fat pervert is JD? Ah, that's why it's the name of the picture. I never made the connection while watching the trailer. I never imagined him looking like that.

Nice pictures, nice pictures indeed!

he looks like big smoke in a way

Sort of. Only problem is Smoke was dead YEARS before LCS. ;)

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